Off the Loom: In the Mix
What happens when Perennials designs come off the loom? It's time to take the original concepts and inspiration, and decide how we introduce that vision to the world. Learn how the Perennials team creates showstopping collateral and marketing campaigns. Today we go behind the scenes of our Spring 2020 In the Mix campaign.
Perennials Fonder and CEO Ann Sutherland describes the concepting, manufacturing, marketing, and selling of a new collection like a relay race. Once the designs are finalized and samples are approved, marketing “takes the baton” and begins working with our Perennials product development team to brainstorm the “campaign.” We discuss what inspired a designer on a certain fabric quality or rug design, and look for any themes coming up within the overall collection. For our recently-launched Spring 2020 In the Mix collection of rugs and fabrics, one theme seemed to reverberate throughout: music!
In the Mix‘s 100% solution-dyed acrylic fabrics and rugs feature patterns and textures that provide movement and intrigue. With calming colorways and a cozy feel, the spring collection debuts six fabric qualities—Good Vibrations, Bebop, Cadence, Overtones, Rock Steady, Doo-Wop. In the Mix also introduces four rugs that clients can “sync” their toes into—C Major, Vibrato, Fine Tune, and Do-Re-Mi.
The Concept
With the combination of patterns, we looked at ways to tell the story of harmonious layering. As a brand we emphasize the benefits of Perennials in the context of a busy lifestyle. Our fabrics and rugs are ideal for both comfort and chaos. Taking these two elements, our Creative Director Tom Nynas came up with a game plan to include a “One Woman Band” throughout the campaign.
In the Mix was carefully designed to play well together, so we needed a visual metaphor for this. Luckily, all of the fabrics and rugs have music-themed names, and that opened up some doors… Orchestras, rock bands, even barbershop quartets combine separate elements into a single piece of music, but none of them quite capture the Bohemian spirit of this collection like a one-woman band.
After our creative team worked their magic and presented the final concept, it was time to find our One Woman Band. Fortunately lifestyle blogger and friend of the brand Jane Aldridge of Sea of Shoes was available to accept the challenge. And by challenge we mean model effortlessly while carrying a heavy drum on her back. Do not fear. No models were (seriously) harmed in the making of this campaign.
The Shoot
Using musical accessories like cassette tapes, records, instruments, and even a cymbal-clapping monkey, we demonstrated the power of tones and melodies working harmoniously – just like Perennials fabrics and rugs! With rhythm and (shades of) blues, In the Mix hits perfect pitch.
In every campaign we also strive to show a variety of textile applications, from pillows and rugs to upholstery and drapery. In this particular collection, texture is pivotal so it was crucial to show the piles in rugs and coziness of fabric qualities like Doo-Wop. The completed campaign expertly blends theme, performance, and design – all with the panache of Perennials flair!
Browse In the Mix textiles below!